Inland Northwest Home Improvement for All Seasons: Year-Round Projects
Inland Northwest Home Improvement for All Seasons: Year-Round Projects

As a homeowner in the Inland Northwest, you’ll find plenty of opportunities to enhance your property’s functionality and aesthetic appeal all year round. Here are some of our favorite home improvement projects to do year-round.

Spring: Garden Revival and Exterior Refresh

Landscaping: Plant native flowers, shrubs, and trees to create a beautiful, low-maintenance landscape.

Exterior Painting: With the milder weather, consider repainting your home’s exterior to protect it from the elements and give it a fresh, vibrant look.

Deck and Patio: Start planning for outdoor entertaining by repairing or upgrading your deck or patio. Enhance it with comfortable furniture and stylish decor.

Summer: Outdoor Oasis and Energy Efficiency

Outdoor Kitchen: Add a grill, countertop space, and seating to make the most of warm, sunny days.

Solar Panels: Take advantage of the abundant summer sunshine by installing solar panels to increase energy efficiency and reduce your energy bills.

Gutter Cleaning: Keep gutters clear to prevent clogs and potential water damage during summer downpours.

Fall: Cozy Interiors and Energy Audits

Fireplace Upgrade: Prepare for the cooler months with a fireplace makeover, installing a more efficient unit or revamping the mantel for a cozy ambiance.

Energy Audit: Schedule an energy audit to identify areas of improvement. Proper insulation, sealing gaps, and upgrading windows can boost energy efficiency.

Indoor Renovations: Consider indoor projects like kitchen or bathroom renovations during the fall when the weather keeps you indoors more often.

Winter: Energy Efficiency and Comfort

Weatherproofing: Prepare for winter storms by weatherproofing your home. Insulate doors and windows and seal any gaps to keep the cold out.

Heating System Maintenance: Have your heating system inspected and maintained to ensure it operates efficiently during the winter months.

Basement or Attic Insulation: Add extra insulation to your basement or attic to keep your home warmer and more energy-efficient.

Year-Round: Decluttering and Home Organization

Declutter and Donate: Regularly declutter your home by donating items you no longer need. A clean and organized space is beneficial year-round.

Embrace the changing seasons and make your Inland Northwest home a true haven all year long.
